Hey Everyone

Forbidden Tuna

Active Member
Nice to make my introduction. I've been lurking for some time so I figured I should go ahead and start posting. I live around in the foothills/Piedmont of North Carolina. Already have one build of a Nel Lusso with a Predator 79cc that I toy around with. I've always had a boneyard of old bicycles growing up and a tendency to tinker so when I found out about motorized bikes I latched on.


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That’s a good top speed. I like the garmin setup. I have an older one is there a setting or do I have to download something to get that screen up like you have on yours?
Yep mine might be a year newer lol. Mine in a Garmin Nuvi about 15 years old. I’m charging it now. I’ve seen guys with new ones but didn’t think these would show speed and distance..very cool. I just took it out of my truck and don’t need it in the new truck. It’s going on the bike!
I should probably get a better mount for it. Just using a walmart cell phone holder. Hasn't fallen off yet but that doesn't mean it won't!
I used to have one of the Chinese eBay speedometers that uses your spokes movement to judge speed, but I hated how chintzy it was and how it messed with my front wheel alignment.
942F926C-7253-4463-B2B6-565EB532CB4C.jpeg That’s just us they are all junk unless you spend a good chunk of change. Got mine charging and I had to touch the speed button and bam!
Glad to see you found it! I didn't know about this setting until roughly a month ago when I was tinkering with a much older Garmin(the kind with the fold out square antenna) that I had found. I really like that it tracks your top speed, and miles covered plus time.