Hey Boss Cat.. It stutters...


minor bike philosopher
I have the ideal rig to make it happen and even figure out what it is. I have the 24v version of that green wire controller from tnc. I ran it on this bike with a 36v battery pack and it runs like the devil is after it. But today I wanted to try the hybrid pack at 24v so I rigged the sla and the nimh for 24 volts and off I went. Pulling out of the driveway it stuttered. Whenever the bike stopped and I throttled it up, it stuttered, So of course I ran it around in my head. Here is what I think it is.

I think the design of that controller is such that it does not deliver the proper number of amps on start up at its rated voltage. Over volt it and it delivers a different number of amps at startup. Ie the motor turns faster. There has to be a clutch of some kind built into that gear box on top of the motor. When the demand is there but the amps are not right it slips. That's about all I can figure. Something is slipping for sure, I can't imagine that it is the freewheel. It has to have some kind of save yourself first function built into the motor.

When the batteries got a little lower it was more pronounced.
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Humm!!! Simple answer, run your rig at 36V (like the devil is after it) and give up on the 24V. This will save you the headache of trying to figure out the stuttering :D

Ah ha! So you now know what I was talking about. dance1 Only thing though, I also had that same stuttering with a hub motor. :-|| Me thinks it's those TNC controllers as I bought the same ones you did. I gave up and simply throttle up more slowly. It's not like I'm drag racing anyway. I just goose it a little to get going, pedal a bit up to speed then crank the throttle all the way. I had to do all this with no pedaling today. My rear derailleur went kaput and had to use only the motor on the way home. Man, I gotta lose some weight. I don't think I got past 15 mph on the flats. laff
I changed out the controller today and that was definitely the problem.

I replaced it with a 25amp controller from tnc but a real cheapo. Actually the cheapest 36v they sell. It doesn't have that loud pop when I hook the battery to it. It also doesn't have the strobing. I am pretty sure what it is doing is throwing too many amps at the motor too fast and the motor is slipping because of it.\

ps 25 amps is only enough if you want to pedal on the hills. I actually do so it seems to be okay for now. It might get old in a hurry. The top end is way off as well as the torque being down.
Thought so. I'll just keep doing what I have been doing. Just ease it in. If I buy new ones, I won't know what to do with this bunch of controllers. I have 3 36 volt and 2 24 volt controllers. LOL
to be honest the green wire controller is way stronger than anything else I ever ran.