Here's one for CRUISER

Walter F.

New Member
What is up Boss? We haven't heard any thing about your stolen bike or new build or anything from you lately??? The troops need to hear from the General once in a while.

How about we change the Summer 2008 Bike Build to the 2008 Bike of the year build? The winner gets a photo of his/her bike incorporated into the logo of this site for one year??? Could have different categories like at car shows, choppers, mountain bike, cruisers, DIY, trikes, etc.

That way you can get in on the fun with your new build! Happy Trails Walter F.
i will be building my new bike shortly. this island is hard to find a bike on that i like and the shops in the us will not send them here so still searching for one. i like the idea of the contest. give me a few days to hash it over on how i want to do it. darn good idea (^).
Can an individual send you a bike from the US? You pick out the bike, send it to someone here, they relabel it and send it to you. It seems simple, probably no way red tape??? Happy Trails Walter F.
Builders should video tape and narrate their build. Someone could edit them together in the end. Then it can be like a Motored Bike version of that tv series where then did custom motorcycle build offs.

Long live the memory of Indian Larry!