Help!! with rear sproket


New Member
I'm trying to mount a sprocket that came in a kit. The holes won't line up with the amount of spokes. The wheel has a total of 68 spokes. The kit will be mounted to a Micargi Mustang GTS. Thxs for the help.
Jim aka Creative Engineering aka manic mechanic makes a special adapter for the 68 spoke wheel
I think Justin at pirate cycles sells them as well
I would call either of them

PS...I like your choice in stretches ;)

Thxs for the help. I like all the spokes. Also like your choice in bikes. This is my second build. First build was a cruiser. Took just a couple of hours. The strech is a little more complicated but with the help of this fourm its like having a second pair of hands. Hope to post some pics soon. Thxs again!:-||
Thxs, Bill problem solved have the fix coming from Pirate Cycles. New sprocket made just for the Micargi 68 spoke wheel.