Help Me Name My Ride

Beauty rides the back of the Beast


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Beauty and The Beast together at last! Like a benevolent giant he carries her on his back.

I bet you will get lots of people tailgating you trying to get a better look.

How is the ride?
How about "Basket case", or "Basket crank-case"? Not a slam. It is a very sharp looking bike. I named mine "Confucious", because all of it is Chinese.
Elbo Grease. That is one very beautjful bike. Alot of elbo grease in the upkeep? Once again very beautiful.
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it's a good thing you're not actually delivering newspapers with it, or your neighbors would call it the "G**D*** THAT PAPERBOY MAKING THAT INFERNAL RACKET AT 4AM!!!"
That thing is just plain sweet. Better watch it like a hawk or some dirtbag will steal it for sure.

If you name it MasterBlaster it will have the initials MB.
I was going to say Quicksilver too, but it was already suggested. (page 2 or 3)
Great minds think alike.