

New Member
Hello, everyone, My name is Robert. I live in Dallas, and I have somewhat sketchy plans to build myself two of what are called "pusher trailers". My plans are somewhat sketchy because I'm not sure when I'll have the money to build them. I'm already in the process of buying an electric bike, and turning it into a solar powered bike, and don't forget about school starting this month, etc.Children are expensive.

So, sometime in the next few months, I have plans to build myself one ICE pusher trailer, and one electric pusher, both to push my aluminum mountain bike, which I mostly use for exercise. Wow, that was a long introduction, huh? Also, I'm sure he'll never believe it, but I actually already had plans to build a pusher, before I started discussing with deacon the pusher he built over @ nature2energy.com. Oh yeah, hi Paul, hi Gary.

I bet you are the first member to come "from" n2e. I visit there from time to time.

Great thought building two trailers one electric and one gas. Having a trailer gives you someplace to put the panels. Maybe you could even work up a hybrid trailer solar by day and gas at night. Parked solar could also just generate power when not in use.
Actually, I found nature2energy through this site, just completely by accident. And the solar charged bike I'm building isn't the same project as the pusher(s). That's two different bikes, with both pushers for the aluminum mountain bike. The solar cells will only be attached to the bike that won't have any trailers. Confusing, I know.:) Whenever I get it built, I'll post a thread about it at nature2energy, and most likely link to it from here, or maybe even also post a thread about it here. We'll see what Paul and Gary think about a thread at both sites. BTW, you should visit nature2energy more often. We're finally getting some new information and threads.

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You know I used to know a site that had solar panels that went inside the wheels to help charge and power the battery. I cannot seem to find it now??
Hey myocardia,
Is that a hint as to your condition?
If so; Best wishes, And, HAVE FUN with your
new found hobby! (It's done me a WORLD of good!)
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Hey Rat! I meant fairracing31, honest.;) I have never heard of a wheel with solar panels. It doesn't even sound like it would work to me. Efficient panels (mono or polycrystalline) are too heavy (talk about an unbalanced wheel), and flexible solar panels are nowhere near efficient enough, at least for charging EV batteries. You'd get almost no power, even if you covered the entire wheel. I'm planning on having 90 watts of solar cells (polycrystalline cells, not panels) above my head, somewhat like this, only just the top, flat part. Well, and using individual solar cells instead of fabric panels.:) Its actually a lot harder to explain than it is to visualize in my head. The frame will be made out of fairly thin PVC pipe, and mounted to the rear rack and also to the frame directly below the handle bars. I'll use a 'T', to split it, so it won't be directly in my line of vision. And although its somewhat convoluted, its honestly the best I can do to describe it.

Oh, and then it will have 30 watts of panels mounted to the top of the storage container I'll be mounting to the rear rack. There will be a total of "24V" @ 3.5A. It will be ~30V actually, since you can't charge two 12V batteries to 28-29V with 24V worth of output. You'll see it fairly soon, if all goes well.
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