Hello from VA!



New Member
Jun 16, 2012
Been poking around the forum a few days, and had to join. Great forum, so I'm glad I did.

A little about me: I'm 26 and a transplant from NJ to VA. Luck was on my side, and I've recently accepted a groundskeeping job at a summer camp VERY close to home.

Camp staff get around the grounds using their own bicycles, and occasionally camp golfcarts depending on what you do and what needs doing. It was research into alternative transportation that lead me here!

My first thought was a simple motorized Razor scooter, as it would fit into my trunk easily. But they're small, slow, and not exactly made for carrying a 230lb guy with a toolbox.

Then I realized my gas mileage was suffering. While I only have a 5 mile commute, and only need to fill up once a month or so, the actual mileage I'm getting is poor because my engine doesn't even get a chance to warm up before I arrive at work! So I decided I wanted something both good for puttering around camp property, as well as using it to commute.

My first thought was getting another motorcycle, but I'm not in the mood to buy, register, inspect, and insure a whole 'nother vehicle. Though I DO miss having a motorcycle, it's just more than I need to deal with.

So after poking around, I found that a <50cc engine counts for a moped, and basically has the same regulations as a normal bicycle! Perfect!

Now, I have a brand-spankin' new Schwinn Clairmont. Spent a loooong evening getting that sucker put together and working properly (still a bit of a chore to pedal...). Now I need to decide on a kit, and get tinkering!

This is a whole new field for me. Never really messed around with bicycles when I was young. Growing up in the 90's, the 10-speed mountain bike was the reigning king in my area, no mods needed. lol.

Hoping to find a little help, and even more so I hope to be able to contribute back!