hello from Illinois(peoria)


New Member
.trkwell been thinkin of building a motorized myself. I have seen a few popn up around here and think its got to be better on gas..I am a 300 lbs guy any sugestions other than loose weight.Kinda like the OCC look of course.any advice would be great.....
I would look for an older heavyweight frame from the fifties or even a middleweight from the sixties. Another best option is a Worksman, but with that you're talking money. Either way you get a super strong frame made in America from real metal made to last. Don't be fooled by shiny paint and thin chrome and really cheap prices. Cheap price for a new bike equals cheap bike. Combine a vibrating motor, high speed and afull sized guy and those frames won't hold up. There are enough things to think about when you're riding besides wondering if the frame is going to break while you're going 25 or 30 mph. Keep it safe.