Hello from eastern Canada!


New Member
Hello to everyone. I am new to motorized bicycles. So far i have built three. First one from scratch and the latter two from kits(both are 68 c.c. two stroke's). I have pics of all three but i am not sure where or how to post them yet lol. I am fascinated with the idea of motorized bikes but i don't believe i have built a good one yet! Hopefully with the help of this site and the other members i can build myself a truly awesome bike, that is reliable and powerfull, and generally a joy too own. Thats all for now folks!!!!
hey buddy! im a mislocated bluenoser myself. where you to?

i bet the bikes work a helluva lot better down east than they do here in ottawa. its too humid...
Welcome from southwestern United States of America (California)!
This place is full of excellent information. I am sure you can build the bike of your dreams with the help of the folks here.
Ty gearnut. I am from river john Pictou co, hum, and you must be forgetting how humid it is here lol. Of my two kit biukes one works perfectly an the other has been nothing but troubles(but then it is the testing guinea pig too). Although i have never heard it called this my motor kits are identical to the stinger i see in the add on here! overall impression is very low quality components. My original build has a two horsepower brigss on it and has more power with less grief-but the friction drive system was poor so....eventually i will hook up the briggs via a chain drive eventually!