Hello from Clayton Delaware

Apologies all that read this thread...I have been extremely busy with work and family and haven't had alot of time to focus on my build. I did get enough free time to actually finish my first build...the irony is it is not the Nel Lusso build I started this post with..so does it count as my second build?!? In any event the Nel Lusso build is coming together slowly but I finally have a working riding machine and I've been braking it in. I used another Huffy bike...older...free...and put a JET 66/80 CC kit I picked up from Gasbike. It's simple...not alot of extra's but I like it. How do get pics of it on the site for you all to see?
Ah...got it. Her are some pics of the bike. Turned out pretty good...looks really clean. Got rid of the stock fenders and replaced the fenders...grips are not the stock ones that came with the kit. Tires are new and lined with Mr Tuffy tire liner.


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All right! Now you've got a motor bicycle that's safe and good looking.
Lights are often overlooked, but they could save your life. I had a close call that could have been avoided, now I always put lights on any bike I'm riding.
Great idea to replace the fenders. There are horror stories of fender bracket failures sending folks end over. I personally like, and always use fenders.
There is one thing I'd mention, and that's the kit provided chain tensioner. Not everyone agrees, but the sane among us believe it is an accident waiting to happen.
Imagine that thing rotating over just a bit, right into your spokes. That's gonna ruin your whole afternoon. It's unnecessary and easy to be rid of. Simply adjust your drive chain length.
Glad to see you back at it, and congrats on the wheels, most people don't build their own.

Yeah...I don't like the chain tensioner for the same reason...what do you think of the "arch: chain tensioner such as the the ones sold at CustomMotoredBicycles. That looks pretty solid...I like the fact it clamps to the frame.
motomanic- I haven't used one of those, but I've heard good things here about them.
If you're feeling industrious, you should be able to make one up yourself. I think CMB even had a 'how to' on their website at one time.
Bridging the seat and chain stay is probably the best method if you choose to use a tensioner. It has it's benefits, like ease of installation.
Chain alignment is the most critical issue. Straight as an arrow is the only way.
Well I know how to lace a wheel might as well learn how to make an arch tensioner...let me look into it and see what it entails. More to come.