New Member
Hey Rob, figured i'd at least acknowledge you and offer a lil' info or help, since this companies PR Dept/Cust.Service is about as .,.,.oh well you know. RAW signifies the company in China that build the motors. It's stamped on the box's they ship.,.,.thats pretty much it. They advertise an 80cc RAW 2-stroke motor, and in fact it's true displacement is 67cc. True displacement is measured without the head, hence the 13cc difference.,.that's it. All of which you probably already knew. The front mount is just a simple block design for mounting around tube frame rather ruining the bike by drilling a hole in the frame.,,which even with the Fat tubed bike frames out there,..,.it's never good to drill through your frame,.,,.good luck .,.,Rob W. JD-StukNchaoS
This companies email support sucks,I am about to choose a different vendor.If someone dosnt understand me they should ask,not throw a sarcastic remark as if I were an idiot,especially when I am about to throw money thier way,Im sure its just one A.H.cuz most of the correspondence is good but that really pissed me off.
Another day...Rob