The best way to see what they sell for is to see what others are selling theirs for on craigslist and other free ad sites and papers etc.... you may find that they sell for ssignificantly higher in your area, or that you could sell it in its current condition for the price range I suggested. Also, if your on a fixed income you can make a little extra by building a few of these to sell each month, getting bikes on the cheap from flea markets, garage sales, and the free ads is pretty easy then just clean up, paint and new tires and tubes if needed, install the kit, run a tank or 2 thru them and put up for sale. Most people profit $200 to $250 per bike and that's just basically installing a kit, making sure it works, and selling.... you can control the price based on what others in your area sells them for or if there's no competition you can sell slightly higher.