Greetings from The Balkans... (:


New Member

As you can see, I'm new here.
I found about this site as I was doing research on bicycles with motor, because I want to make myxself one.

I don't have much expirience with motor-bikes anyway, drove few, I usually concentrate on cars, busses etc...

My plan is to take an old bike (Flying Pigeon, Rog, or so..) and to modify it a bit (frame, stronger wheels, something like that) so it will accomodate Tomos Automatic A3 (or A35... Or some other Tomos 50cc engine with automatic transmission..) engine with transmission and pedals (pedaling forwards - drive it as a bicycle, pedal backwards - kickstarts)

I like D I Y style, plus I don't really plan to spend a lot of money (I see kits on e-bay are about 400-500$) and this, my style, could be done for about 100$...I hope...

So, if you have any suggestions... I will opet a thread somewhere more appropriate...

O, btw, I'm from Bosnia... :D


Johnny's Balkans = Bosnia?? I don't get it.

Sounds interesting. Tomos Automatic A3? Please post pictures. Flying Pigeon, that I have seen in China.
Yay... Johnny's Balkans like Johnny Shtulic's (of band "Azra") song "The Balkans"... Nevermind.
Yeah, Bosnia... (:

Tomos Automatic A3, that's the idea... I don't have one, but machine will be something like this:
http: //

On a frame of a bicycle... I plan to put entire engine and transmission on a bicycle... Is that ok?

There are a few chinese Flying Pigeons, I have no idea from where, but they drive around... Though that thing was just an example, what kind of bicycle frame i plan to use... Something like this:
http: //
