Green Weenie MP Felt Build

Oh if you like I can tell you what I did to modify the stock sprocket it is not right but it works for temp only

Thanks for the kind words & encouragement. It will never hold a candle to your MP build.

I got the bags from E-Bay (Army Surplus).

I am all ears for a work around on the rear hub sprocket issue; until we get our adapter/sprocket setups from Jim.

When I started this build, I knew nil about bicycle builds; I would not have suckered for the Ridley chain tensioner. A 11 tooth small sprocket replacing the plastic roller on the stock tensioner would have worked well; saving much needed bucks.

Glad all worked out with your registration; long live the Limited Speed MP Motorcycle.

If you like I will call you and explain the how to I would take me forever to type it all out PM me your number or I will give you mine
OK Steve here you go here are the pics of the MPs makeshift sprocket
SANY0301.jpg Now you see all the numbers and Marks on the sprocket they are cheater marks so that every hole that was dilled through to the backing plate dose not have to be absolutely precise they are as close as I could figure out how to do but are still not exact. The marks and lines are reference points for aligning the backing plate. Because the are not absolutely exact if you are out of alignment with the backing plate by one bolt hole it will not fit


SANY0303.jpg In this picture you can see the space from the original bolt hole to the new ones that space is 3/4 of an inch from center to center.


I hope this helps you to at least get a ride on your new MP Just remember to try to get the alignment of the sprocket to the wheel as close as you can. Good luck Steve this is not that hard to do it is time consuming. Also this is only a band-aid solution not a fix we still need the adapters we have ordered
Cheers my friend
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And Steve I just want to say your build is every bit as cool in many different ways so I will never believe that my build is more than yours. I love what you have done with your bike if I ever do another I would like to use your fuel tank idea. Had I saw your idea before I did mine I would have done it your way. As for the front end I am sure that Venice would make sure you get what you need to do a disk front brake or even a drum brake the only thing about them is if you want to retain the black hub you will have to paint it before it gets installed.
Never sell your self short you build so far is creative and cool in more ways than one
Cheers my friend
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