Genesi 29 @ 50mph??? Frame choice

So Aleman, wishing someone would lay a bike down hard enough to knock what you would consider "sense" into them isn't wishing for someone to get hurt?

On your other comment, you want to be critical of something as simple as the universal abbreviation for (Laugh Out Loud) being used by me in my posts and yourself, you rarely have anything good to say in regards to what others do with or to their bikes as if you are some kind of all knowing bike god that has it all figured out and truly believes that you are the all knowing authority that knows how motorized bikes should be built and how they should be used.... sorry Aleman but IMHO you are the joke here for making the arrogant and negative comments toward others here.

Opinions are one thing and we all have them good & bad, but the way you seem to deal out constant negative comments toward others that don't do everything just the way you think it should be done, is pretty ridiculous and makes me think that maybe its you that has the abnormal brain function issues.... oh by the way now is time for another LOL moment, come on man, what the heck is your problem.

Yes you need to relax in your thinking and stop talking to everyone else as if you are somehow above others and have taken some sort of high ground that the rest of us have failed to find yet... good grief!

Seems you want to do all others here who don't have bike powered like yours the same way some spandex'ers want to do all motorized bikers, not cool in my opinion and completely out of line.


personally as a grown man, I own a 52mph motorized bike and have for 2 years. Mr. Alemon, you sound envious or lealous to me that you don't have the expertise or ability to make your junkers go very fast and you justify it in the wrong way. So this is 2010, I hope you have grown up since, and the moral of the over 50mph story is simply this, "Tis better to have it and not need it, than not have it and need it and die" so with all eue respect, **** off.
personally as a grown man, I own a 52mph motorized bike and have for 2 years. Mr. Alemon, you sound envious or lealous to me that you don't have the expertise or ability to make your junkers go very fast and you justify it in the wrong way. So this is 2010, I hope you have grown up since, and the moral of the over 50mph story is simply this, "Tis better to have it and not need it, than not have it and need it and die" so with all eue respect, **** off.
that 2021 not 2010.