Gas Leaking From Carb??


New Member
After a perfect ride, I park the bike. A few minutes later I notice gas dripping from the bottom of the carb and from the air filter. The tanks fuel line is turned off, so I am sure the dripping will stop. But what would cause this? The 1 mile ride ran prefect and I have never seen this happen before. I checked the gas hose into the carb and it is tight and not leaking. Any ideas?
Overflow tube in the carb. If I tilt my bike too far when I pick it up, gas comes out the bottom tube, too.

It's best to connect a 1/8" short hose to the nipple and run it under your pedal crank, in order to keep the gas from getting all over your bike...
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Thanks for the advise, ill definately do that because the gas was running onto the motor and muffler. I dont know if either get hot enough to ignite the gas, but that would be a disaster.
If you have fuel dripping from your air filter your fuel level is incorrect. Either you need to adjust the float or you have some junk in the needled and seat causing a over flooding problem.
Metal scrap in needle area keeping the float down. Problem fixed!! Thanks guys...leaked a tank of gas in my garage, other than that, small fix....whole house smells like a bike shop....haha...i love, family is still bitc*ing at me.
If you have fuel dripping from your air filter your fuel level is incorrect. Either you need to adjust the float or you have some junk in the needled and seat causing a over flooding problem.

ditto thats what im saying
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i dont know how to put a quote in the reply i wasnt trying to copy dave

never mind it has been explained
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