fuel tank for diy bikes


minor bike philosopher
Most weed whacker and chainsaw bikes require a larger or easier to get to fuel tank. I have been wracking my brain such as it is and I think I have come up with something easy to build and which should work fine, I am going to give it a shot this weekend. Here is the idea.

Build a rigid holder something I can use a pipe clamp to attach to the bike frame. the holder will be made from pvc pipe joints, they are very rigid. Two of them together should be enough probably three inch in diameter will be best. Could probably go with four as well for a larger tank. I have a 32 oz bottle that will fit in a three inch joint. Remember the joint is a little larger than the pipe's inside diameter.

Now epoxy them together to form a tube. Then get an end cap for the same size pipe and epoxy it to the bottom now you have a cylinder with an open top. inside the cylinder insert a plastic film juice bottle. Take the plastic cap and drill two holes in it for the gas lines. Attach a fuel filter to the bottom of one line.

Pour gas into the bottle,. Then instead of twisting the lid on turn the bottle inside the case to tighten the lid. Or you could pretwist the cap then twist it back to keep the lines fairly straight, You get the picture I;m sure. It should work peachy keen....

You will need a funnel with a hose attached to the bottom to fill the tank but I use one of those now.
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I think I will just put one line in the tank. The supply line. I'm going to leave the bulb pump but run a small bolt into the line. When I put gas in I will pump a little back into the tank. Then if it loses it's prime I can remove the bolt and pump a little onto the ground. Now that is going to make me popular with the tree huggers but it shouldn't be necessary.
hey deacon i am not sure if you know the answer or not but, do you know what should not be used for a tank, i need to know if the gas will eat through things or cause a reaction with the tank, now i am asking about anything that could be used as a tank
I have used about everything and haven't had any real problems except with a propane tank. Now I don't think it was the tank but something else giving me a problem.

The tank I am building here is going to allow me to use everything from a soda bottle to a peanut butter jar. The main problem is more attaching the tank to the bike than anything else. But building a shell around it, the inside tank can be anything.

The thing is you want whatever you use to be very clean. Wash it good, then rinse it good, then rinse it again with a little gasoline. Let it dry throughly before you try to use it I think.

My favorite gas tank so far is a plastic two quart canteen. I have it on the 42bike. Right not I have a weedeater tank on the WW bike but it is attached under the seat not on the engine. I want a bigger tank and thats why I am going this route. Anything I can drop down inside the three inch pipe joins will be the tank. Probably a bottled water container.