FS Dellorto 21mm phbg racing, plus parts



New Member
Jun 3, 2014
3rd planet
used 2500 miles. mostly stored inside. 2 years. i tried to use it on my scooter, and it was too small for my bike.
its got a pull choke. and everything it came with stock. https://www.treatland.tv/dellorto-P...arburetor-p/dellorto-phbg-21-ds-race-2699.htm

i got the cable choke one, so ill include the parts for that. and a 70 degree bendy tube thing. is included. 4 extra lock washers, the carb was just rebuild this spring. i didnt use the mixture screw o-ring so its included, and the extra cap gasket i bought for it, is included.
100$ plus shipping.

i got extra au atomizers for the phbg too. 258 260 264 266 268 270. each 13 for the first 2 apiece, then 12 after that each.

some extra dellorto needles. its got almost every angle but the ones that come in a kit. if youve ever seen the kit, it has W3, W4, W5, W7, W8, W9, W10, W11, W12, W25, well, ever one but them, like almost every angle. just ask.

want 9 dollars shipped. add more and their 7 dollars each.

i have an extra 32 pilot jet. and an extra 30 throttle slide. and i have the choke that you clip down. it never held, i dont know if i didnt put it together or what wrong, when i first got it. so. https://www.treatland.tv/dellorto-PHBG-fancy-lever-choke-p/dellorto-phbg-fancy-lever.htm

13$ shipped plus half paypal costs.

an extra 36mm screw on air clamp thing for the phbg. make offer.

the only air filter i have is a 38mm angled uni filter. hardly ever used. maybe 10 miles. ill uni filter oil it for you before i ship it. $16 or 17 shipped, depending on where you live.

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