From the ashes of the Cranbrook, Rusty is reborn!

Last night I Seal-Alled the intake gasket on both sides to seal the manifold to the cylinder. As well, I covered the case seam with a thin layer as well.

Went for a ride this morning and everything was going great! The weather was cool, motor was pulling strong, so far so good. After a couple miles of taking it easy, time for a speed run to see if we can make the leak-condition appear.

Hit my favorite flat stretch of road and open her up... 25... 30... 35... 36... POP! putt-putt-putt-putt... Yep, the motor died. You can freely push her without the clutch engaged and hear a faint putt-putt-putt with very little resistance. I will pull the head later, it would be nice if it is just a blown head gasket! She was vibrating quite a bit more than normal there at the end so I am thinking I put a hole in my piston, but we shall see.
Last night I Seal-Alled the intake gasket on both sides to seal the manifold to the cylinder. As well, I covered the case seam with a thin layer as well.

Went for a ride this morning and everything was going great! The weather was cool, motor was pulling strong, so far so good. After a couple miles of taking it easy, time for a speed run to see if we can make the leak-condition appear.

Hit my favorite flat stretch of road and open her up... 25... 30... 35... 36... POP! putt-putt-putt-putt... Yep, the motor died. You can freely push her without the clutch engaged and hear a faint putt-putt-putt with very little resistance. I will pull the head later, it would be nice if it is just a blown head gasket! She was vibrating quite a bit more than normal there at the end so I am thinking I put a hole in my piston, but we shall see.

bummer, SUCKS to be you...
bummer, SUCKS to be you...

LOL, nah, I still wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's. Plus, now I have a chance to go in a different direction. Thinking 4 stroke, probably the HF 99 (or 79, depending on if I can still get a 99 around here). The China Girl was a fun build, but a little more power and reliability would be very nice.

I pulled the head, and bits of metal chewed some nice gouges into the cylinder walls. I am thinking the small bearing let go...


Trying to see what I will sell and what I will keep. The Puch head got pretty eaten up, but the Jaguar CDI and coil are still good. Dax RT carb and throttle cable only have about 15 miles on them, stuff like that...

When it comes down to it, I am happy that when she blew nothing locked up and pitched me, I was able to just roll to a stop dance1
Interestingly the same thing happened to my BGF motor. I won't buy them anymore, because all four had crappy crankshafts, and vibrated a lot. I've had a lot better luck with Flying Horse.
Interestingly the same thing happened to my BGF motor. I won't buy them anymore, because all four had crappy crankshafts, and vibrated a lot. I've had a lot better luck with Flying Horse.

I have been following your Flying Horse thread. If I stick with an HT, I will probably go Flying Horse. Leaning towards a Preddy build, but just being able to pop in a replacement motor and go has a certain appeal.
I have been following your Flying Horse thread. If I stick with an HT, I will probably go Flying Horse. Leaning towards a Preddy build, but just being able to pop in a replacement motor and go has a certain appeal.

Good luck trying to ride a MB with a Predator motor in Texas, and not get pulled over by the first cop that sees you.
Good luck trying to ride a MB with a Predator motor in Texas, and not get pulled over by the first cop that sees you.

Interesting, are people reporting issues in TX of being hassled? I have not been closely following along on the TX riding blog thread, but I have not even so much as lifted an eyebrow with my HT.

I only live about 3 miles from the local police station, I should just pop by there and ask them what they would be ok with...
Interesting, are people reporting issues in TX of being hassled? I have not been closely following along on the TX riding blog thread, but I have not even so much as lifted an eyebrow with my HT.

I only live about 3 miles from the local police station, I should just pop by there and ask them what they would be ok with...

As far as I can tell no one is being stopped, but that doesn't mean there's no limit to what they'll tolerate. Remember, we only exist in a gray area of the law. Luckily there's a lot of confusion.

Try calling your local police on the phone and asking them if it's legal the ride a MB, and you'll most likely be told they're illegal to ride anywhere on the street or sidewalk. Some riders have been told, as long as their bike is less than 50cc they're ok, but what the police are refering to is a law that was about mopeds, and it was recinded last year.

The risk is getting a ticket for unregistered moped, about a $1000 ticket. Your only defense is if you can convince a jury your bike is not self propelled, and therefore not considered a motor vehicle under Texas law. If a cop can testifiy he saw you start off without pedeling, you would probably lose. Keep that in mind if you make a bike that can be ridden like a motorcycle.
After doing some soul searching, I have decided that while I had a ton of fun building and riding my MBs, I am not going to be happy with them in the long run. I am just trying to fill the motorcycle void by trying to make them just that, lightweight motorcycles. It has been 5 years since I sold my last motorcycle, so feels like a good time to pick up a new full sized ride.

I am glad that I had this experience and know that at some point in my life I am going to learn to weld and get a decent welding rig and build a BTR, probably in the 500cc range to be able to ride it to work.

But for now I am going to turn my Schwinn HD back into a pedal bike and sell off my parts that are still good.

Thanks for the great times, the warm welcome, and the awesome advice! I am sure that I will continue to lurk here and see what everyone is up to, and probably get bit by the MB bug again sooner rather than later ;)
I have genuinely enjoyed your thoughts and posts Maurtis. Please don't be a stranger. But in any event, Please be well.

It is good to know ya.

Take good care and hurry back.
I have genuinely enjoyed your thoughts and posts Maurtis. Please don't be a stranger. But in any event, Please be well.

It is good to know ya.

Take good care and hurry back.

Thanks Dan, good yo know you as well :)