Fresno ca

About 2 months ago I bought myself an E zip electric bike; it was a great bike and very fun to ride,but it just did not have the range that i needed, so I returned that bike and went down to California Cruising bike shop in Clovis ca and the owner is making me a 49cc gas engine powered bike.
he said that it will be ready Saturday 9th of April.( I am very excited!)
I made this Face book page so motorized (Electric and gas powered.) bike riders will be able to get together and show off there bikes to each other and to go on rides as groups.
First group ride hopefully will be on the second weekend of April!( If all goes well with my bike.)
I would like to get a group of motorized riders together and have the first group trip on the second weekend of April.(16th).

From Tower district to Woodward park sound good? Its about 10 miles one way, when we get to Woodward park we can have a picnic and feed the ducks and Geese.

We will not have a reserved group area at the park, t will pretty much be a picnic on the grass.

Meet up area (Starting area will be behind ME n Eds pizza at 10:30 am and we will leave for the park at 11am. We are riding bicycles so there should not be a fee to get into the park, but bring 5$ just in case. Hope to see you