Frame modification question

I put a slant head 66cc motor on my ratrod today and it just fit. I fabed up a motor mount for the front and just used the back mount the way it was supposed to. I didn't see a need to cut the frame at all. It was possibly the most fun I've ever had. I need to mod the carb, But it definitely fit.
That's what I was told also. But I had this one purchased already and I almost like it in the middle. It's a little spaced out, my exhaust will fit and run with the frame perfectly, and it still kinda keeps the line with bar cut out. I would like to see a pic if you got.
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2nd pic down,,you could make a 5-6 inch thick pod for the space where the lock is and have a big stowage area for stuff
That's a great idea corgi. I think I wanna keep it floating though. I font wanna clutter the space. But if I can weld the mounts some how I'm gonna. Hepcat I was searching on here fo' expansion chambers and a bile came up with a dabbed tank in a gap like that. It was so sick. Just peek around. I think my search keyword was expansion exhaust though. could have a three way mount with a turn buckle from the top tube and hook to the intake with a bracket...if something happens you'll have a safe gaurd...good luck...Dennis
HEP...just checked your pic...those are some high is the steering?'ve seemed to have done a good job...with engine and frame...i've always liked that that a 36t sprocket kit...and did you have to use chain tensioner???thank you...Dennis
I got goofy high apes but I'm tall enough that they are comfortable for me. I debated putting shorter ones on it, but screw it. I used a 36 sprocket without a tensioner, but the bike chain is pretty lose. I'm waiting for a half link. It's really flat down here so I don't need a lot of torque, just speed. An I've had my bike up around 32 and then it gets kinda scary.
So you guys were right. I could easily not post anything and make like my mounts worked...but they didn't. Guess everything is stable until it breaks huh? Got a buddy to help me with the welds. I think it's awesome but he said if a real welder was to look at his welds he would laugh. They're not pretty but it's definately bonded together and connected on a lot of surface area of the frame. It took longer than expected and I didn't want to waste his day so we decided to weld the next mount later. I figure I could ride it as is now that one side is stable.....wrong. Broke my other mount. So bow I gotta wait to weld the other side. Bummer. But didn't want anyone trying what I did thinking it worked. Safe riding.
boy that was a learning've done went with your heart...take it easy when breaking in and let us know how things are going...thanks for sharing...Dennis
Do you have clearance at the chain stay to shorten the chain a little and put the idler beside the tire instead of in front of the spokes