Flat Track (type)



New Member
Oct 10, 2019
Hello everyone,

Finished this project on 25th April 2020. Started 06th October 2019 with an idea, get a motorized bicycle that could look like:
- Flat Track
- Board Tracker
- Speedway
I started the flat track project because of the bicycle type that came up. Bought a cheap bicycle, the 4 stroke engine kit (142F), and all the parts needed to do a built, like tyres, brakes, bolts, nuts, washers, etc.
Did some modifications to fit everything (like tunafish in a can), some cuttig, bending, drilling, painting. It took some work but is finally done.

Was a lot of fun doing this project, did it in my spare time, only a few hours a week, reason why I took so long to finish.
It was fairly easy to built, compared to some work I have done in the past on road racing motorcycles and cars, and also from work done on my own 250cc twin cilynder two stroke road racing motorcycle.

100% working, I am happy with the result. Did a little road test yesterday, everything looks good and smooth at the moment. Tomorrow morning I will go for a longer ride hope the sun will shine to get some more photos!

Cheers everyone.


New Member
Oct 10, 2019
Nice work..details are great.How do you like that tread pattern on the Maxis tires?
Those are holly roller maxxis, usually are for dirt jump and concrete on skate park, but for the road they have a nice grip, allows a little abuse on breaking, and of course being 2.4 tires are very comfortable, also minor chance of snake bite.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Mags I've been riding two sets of the Maxxi Holy Rollers for quite awhile now and think they are great for my mixed riding on my mountain e-bike and the hybrid. they are 60 lb.pressure tires. They mount pretty easy. I rode them on my 500 mile ride last Fall and that averaged more than a hundred miles a day.

Rick C.
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