First timer troubleshooting

Hey all. So I’ve got an 80cc 2-stroke kit on a road bike. My main issues remaining are getting the chain tensioner lined up, not sure why it doesn’t line up with the engine sprocket, will just require some precise bending. The real drag is that I can get the clutch dropped in and the motor running but only for about ten seconds at a time, at which point it burps back asleep.

Possible causes are, I spaced the magneto with a business card but forgot to put the paper gasket back and one of the “super high quality improved” hex bolts completely stripped so I’ll need to reverse drill bit it out, and then find a new bolt. Would the paper gasket for that part make me lose pressure? On other engines I’ve worked on the magneto is not part of the pressurized crankcase. Is this type of engine a sort of two stroke four stroke hybrid?

I also am waiting on a gas tank in the mailView attachment 107675. I’ve got the fuel valve screwed into an upside down Pepsi bottle currently, the fuel tank that came with had a bent bolt and when I tried to weld it it got holes. I tried it with the Pepsi bottle as is and then got better results with a hole poked in the top as a vent. Yes I know that it’s no great mystery that this system is faulty but I wanted to solve some problems before the gas tank got here.

You can use adjustable wrenches to do bending and twisting with.

For getting bolts whose heads have been broken off use an easy out. You can get them at auto parts stores.