First time spray painting; and exhaust pipe bending


Active Member
So I have spray painted some of my M/B parts from primer grey to matte black, and I would like to know if I done a fare job or not? I sanded down my eBay reed valve and Dellroto clone carb with 100 grit sandpaper (of course, affter removing all the hardware not being painted), and sprayed 3 votes of paint on both of them, and voilà! I did get some paint in the venturi of the carb, but I don’t think that will be an issue. No paint on the intake, and none in or around the float bowl/needle/jets. (I used frog tape as a gasket to keep things sealed and keep paint off the bowl, since it was already black) Again, did I do a good job?




Dang, i haven’t relished it’s been so long.

I already had the exhaust bent before I even posted this thread, just never got around to posting a picture. Also the paint is fuel resistant.
Here is a picture from May 12th. The torch was operated by “Jamie” and supervised by my uncle. (Also the two welts on my ✋ is not a snake bite lol. Just two mosquito bites.)
