first time er


New Member
I live here in CA . Have had my B.O.B. trailer fork attached to the back part of the old zooma scooter. It has been over 8 years running and going strong. I do now have a ' leaks oil profusely' issue. Interested in feedback, looking for used or new subaru eho35 please feel free to contact Tim [email protected]
Do the normal checks of rocker cover gasket, oil pan gasket, cam gear cover gasket. All gaskets can fail over time, it's the normal life cycle of a part.
If the piston rings and/ or cylinder are worn beyond specifications then you will also get excessive combustion blow by past the piston and the excessive crankcase pressure will cause excessive oil to be forced out of the crank case breather and possibly blow out a gasket as well.
Here is a parts diagram of your engine for reference:
If you find that you need a whole new engine, Staton is a very reputable dealer that many here support:
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Check to see if the breather and gasket are good.

My Briggs from a SJ flea market was one of three engines that were not running, and one without a carb, but for $25 who cares. I got Briggs 5S, 6S, and the 80202 0430 3hp now on my off road bike. Post 63 on Page 7 pictures shows tear down of my Briggs where I replace gaskets and had valves and seats re-cut. Post 6746 on Page 675 more recently noticed a lot of oil near carb and oil breather. Replacing the breather that was stuck wide open is easy fix. Part on Amazon was about $10.

MT Last page and pictures riding NOR CAL off road trails.
welcome eho. the thing I love about our motorized bicycle community is everyone is will to share what they have learned, look forward to hearing more from you