First test ride on bike since the accident

Unsolved Rubix

New Member
The bike really seems to have a lose of power. I think the issue may be the spark plug I upgradded to got too hot or just the fuel oil mixture is a lil off. but on the whole the bike itself took no major damage outside of the fuel line breaking...and me complaining in pain at every bump I hit.
Haven't noticed it yet but I wouldnt bet against it. I am still too sore to tear it apart. I was just able to snip a fuel line and hope on it for a few runs of a mile and a half.
I think I have fixed some of the issue. Air Filter was dirty as snott and my carb got some junk in it. I took it apart and cleaned it up. I think the last issue with it is that I am running to rich. So I am gonna head down to the gas station sometime this weekend and top off my gas can. That should leave me with a 32:1 ratio (which my goal will have that up to a 40 in the next week). That is what I get for overthinking myself when it comes to mixing the oil.