First E Bike problem.


New Member
Hi, I just bought a Sparrow setup about 2 weeks ago and mounted it on a Schwinn stingray. All was well until today, riding home it just died out on me. I checked the fuse and connections and what not, no luck. A Stingray is not too fun to pedal. Made it home and put it on the charger and then turned the key, it went fine while on the charger. I let it charge up and took it off the charger, turned the key....nothing. Put it back on the charger and turned the key...and it worked. The thumb controller will light up while on the charger and with key turned on but will not light up when key turned but not on the charger?? Charger indicates the batteries are fully charged. Any Ideas? Thank you, Cal
If you can find where the battery wires connected to the controller test the voltage there.
EDIT: hadn't heard of a ]sparrow' electr converstion before i gather this is it? Sparrow 3625: Sports & Outdoors

Doesn't actually say if its brushed or brusless setup, looking at the picture however i would think its brushless, either way sounds like could be a combination of things, controller issue/battery issue as mentioned above check the actual voltage at the leads controller side, if the voltage is below the LVC of the controller won't turn on, if its just above and power is applied it would cut out as voltage drops under load, turning off the controller would reset the controller and again it would work until placed under load again then cut by controllers in built LVC mode so as not to do harm to the pack... The reason for the low voltage could be as simple as dropped battery connection on a cell or row of several cells?...

Best of luck

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Thank you all for your imput....I am embarrassed to say but here goes. I pulled back the tape covering the batteries and there was a disconnected wire!! DOOOOHHH...anyway, I have been hanging out here a while and am sure I will have other questions in the future. Again thanks for the imput. By the way here is my bike currently. See you, Cal


  • DSC00064.jpg
    109.6 KB · Views: 163
Nice lookin bike.
Thankfully I was able to get the electric version of that bike and just add a second motor and other accessories.