First Build Finished

Unsolved Rubix

New Member
It took a bit longer than planned because towards the end I stripped my axel bolt on the bike so I had to steal other from a bike. But It roughly goes 12mph now I will have to do a few more lil adjustments and she will purr like a kitten. I have road about 5 miles today.

I will also have to get some longer hosing for improved traction.





So what ya think? any advice or tweaks?
Best thing you can do for the traction is to get a smooth tire, The nubbies are the worst, I like it though. So what kind of hose is that.

You did a fine job. How big is that engine.
Can it be ridden with the engine Off (disengaged)?
Does it get hot? When you remove the fan shroud you are removing a very effective cooling set up. I realize it makes mount up easier, just wondered if it stays cool.
How is throttle responce? On my old TAS Spitz (Tanakapower) the throttle would repond from a walk all the way up until it wouldn't rev.....which it was pretty slow to do. (23cc).

Nice job, minimal work, let us know how it's doing as you add miles!
It is a 21cc motor from a Weed Eater brand Weed Eater. It does get hot but it cools off pretty fast.

Yea, I am gonna have to put a stronger spring on the throttle it is full throttle or not...which is ok since I am not getting anywhere near its full RPMs my last calculation was at 2500 RPM for the motor. When I put on the new Radiator Hose, I am gonna see if lifting the motor just a bit will help.

The best thing about the mount is basicly I can take it off and put it on another bike by just undoing one bolt and the spring.

The Throttle response is pretty good, I am gonna have to do some more tinkering with it to see if I can improve it.
Did some carb and exhausted modifications today..I am getting it to go alot faster and do alot better on hills...The only bad thing is I am going through alot more gas...and the bugs hurt my eyes.

I also hit a good sized pothole and my leg is soaked now but the bike did great.