Finally not so lonely!

LMAO!!! Thanks 2Door aka Tom! Will definitly not get the itch to do that.. but JB weld does rock! LOL:p And Huffydavidson... Uhhh wha?? My crank case compression? Hmm gunna have to google a pic of that... Sad I know how to work on sh*t and build stuff but dont know the names of parts of motors.. I can point to something and say I fixed that and got it working again but if someone says "oh ya whats the name of that" I would say IDK but I fixed it!!..LOL sounds stupid I know!! Will check that out though! Lol
I added an album of pics called "The Build" pics of my bike from start to hopefully finished soon! :p.. If anyone is interested? I mean He*l how can you not be, as a matter of fact screw this I'm going back to stare at them... Ahhh I love you my sweet sweet motor, Shhhhh mama's here! LOL.. :p I know I know that was weird.. but not as weird as you sleeping with yours! :p lol
. My exhaust is attached!!!!
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Your enthusiasm is very inspiring!
Just wait, riding the bike you built is even better than staring at it...
It is so satisfying when someone asks you who built it and you can answer, "I built it myself!"
Maniac57, WOW Thank you soo much that is one great compliment!! I am so excited and stoked about what I am doing! And I LOVE it! I do share all my pics and updates on my facebook page to my friends and some are just blown away at what I am doing, OK this is the one time a woman admits loving something about their ex, but if it wasn't for my ex-husband I wouldn't know how to work on anything! THERE I said it!! LOL :p Thank you again, I would truly have to say that is the BIGGEST compliment anyone has ever given me means a lot! :) OH, and YES can't wait to go out on her, for the first time and have people stare at the bike.. :O)
Toadmund BAHAHAHAHA!! I should totally chrome it out and find a helment like that guy .. people would DEFINITLY stare then! Or send me straight to the looney bin! LOL.. funny!!! Dodgedude94 I kinda hope not in a way.. it looking brand new IS pretty and all but then I dont want people to think I bought it and not built it dirty motors and cars look built not bought! But then again being that shes my new baby.. I will be cleaning her all the time!.. Its a catch 22!! LOL
Then I guess its good I clean houses and commercial places for a living.. got plenty of degreaser and cleaning products!! LOL :p
Time to bring out the toothbrushes for small areas then! LOL.. I will be happy to start seeing dirt on her, if I can figure out this stupid chain tensioner and get it where it should be! This thing is a pain in the a**!! I hate these chain Tensioners!!! All I have is that and the clutch hook up and spark plug in and I am ready to rock and roll down the street! Everything was fun to put together until this!! Blaah!! LOL
Go for it. lol

Make sure the "long" side of the idler is "next to" the wheel. Then torque the crap out of the bolts. Did you remove the excess slack from the chain?
I do have the long side next to the wheel and did take out a few links in. The chain, but I dont think maybe enough? The chain is still looking too droopy and too long. And i think the tensioner needs to be bent cause when tightening the bolts it goes straight for the wheel and is not matching up with the top chain that is making it come off the back sprocket underneath heading to the tensioner, so then I put a few extra washers on it hoping that would make it parallel with the top chain and it still isnt? Then if its too tight my back tire will not move its seized, and too loose it comes off the back sprocket it seems like i need to remove more links, bend the tensioner , and get the right 1/2 inch of slack in the chain.... Ya know?? Uhhhh!! LOL.. its me I know maybe rushing it, excited that I am 95 % finished and just want to ride, but need to calm down and take my time and do it right cause I definitly DONT want any problems with it!!