After much self debate (was also considering an 80cc frame mount) I ordered the Titan XC50 engine and mounting kit today. I have not acquired a bike for it yet. I'm 68 with some hip problems so it's tough swinging my leg over the crossbar, hence a womens bike or trike are my best choices. Visited Wally world today and they have the womens point beach cruiser(7 spd) on sale for 139.00, I know someone posted about vibration from a frame mount engine cracking the alum frame at the welds but the titan should be smoother. Also they have the Schwinn Meridan trike for 199.00 this is also a possibility for the Titan but I want it mounted between the rear wheels and this may present problems for the supplied kit. Any bike suggestions in the 200.00 range would be appreciated. I have a 33 cc geno that I skidded on some loose gravel this fall, resulting in no damage to the bike but I got a fractured ankle, bruised ribs, black eye and much leg road rash. I cracked the outer shell on my helmut but no head injuries. I won't ever ride without a helmut, it sure saved my noggon.
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