eZips/currie's and water??


New Member
Okay, I was all set on acquiring an eZip to use as a second bike and then I went to Curries site and was reading through their faq.

I found a faq entry dated 2008 from their 'currie tech' or something like that. The question posed was related to water. The faq response was not to operate the electric bike in wet conditions, damp pavement puddles, etc.

Are the currie drives/controllers not water tight. While most of the time I ride it is likely to be dry, I ride all my two wheel vehicles motorcycles, bicycles rain or shine.

Is this just corporate CYA or are they really not weatherproof? Very disenchanted at the moment.

bob Marshall, IL
Controller should be extra protected (just in case) and motor is OK for puddles and rain (it doesn't like to be fully submerged - it's not meant for submarines). Connectors (connections) should be well protected (water resistant) and that is all. Use your good sense about it and you'll be fine. Company(s) likes to protect themselves from everything (rain in this case) in order not to loose money , credibility or being sued (just remember caution booklet that comes with any new white goods or TV or anything)...
I ran my friction drive with a 650 currie motor on top of the wheel through a puddle about six inches deep. All i got was wet shoes.
Okay, I was all set on acquiring an eZip to use as a second bike and then I went to Curries site and was reading through their faq.

I found a faq entry dated 2008 from their 'currie tech' or something like that. The question posed was related to water. The faq response was not to operate the electric bike in wet conditions, damp pavement puddles, etc.

Are the currie drives/controllers not water tight. While most of the time I ride it is likely to be dry, I ride all my two wheel vehicles motorcycles, bicycles rain or shine.

Is this just corporate CYA or are they really not weatherproof? Very disenchanted at the moment.

bob Marshall, IL

On ezips, the controller is housed in the rear rack which also holds the battery packs. The contacts for the battery packs are at the bottom and can be prone to weather exposure. Other than that, the rack can be made water tight. No worries with the motor. LIke someone already touched on, probably a liability factor.

My bikes are set up with Curry systems. One is an ezip rig on a different bike. The other is a DIY kit and is ridden usually when it's dry, but I have been caught in wet conditions with no problems with the electrics. I usually get the worst of it when it rains. LOL