EXTREME Modded Gt-5, Dax RT carb, SBP pipe!!


New Member


Skyhawk G-5 66cc fully rebuilt with German bearings, ported, polished crankcase, oil jets for main bearings, Puch HI-Hi head, big bore intake manifold. 500miles, runs great! Only Repsol mix ran through it.



Dax Rt-carb + proper throttle cable



Sbp X-pipe, welded, can refinish the mufler if needed

All located in Ventura Ca, paypal or cash
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Sorry wing nut... sum1 actually Pm'd me an hour b4 you did about the x-pipe. Il get you guys BOTH a shipping quote just incase.
can you work me a deal on the carb and engine?? PM price please TY

also did the needle bearing get replaced with a more quality bearing?? lol
ALL PMS Replied, All quotes answered!!

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First one to send money gets the parts!!! Good luck!
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