expensive cure for cheap china coil

How many people here know what all the parts of the ignition system on a china motor are? The magneto is the magnet attached to the crankshaft. it rotates and produces a current. The ignition coil is beside the magneto and picks up the current generated by it, transferring that current to the black box, which is called the CDI. CDI stands for capacitor discharge ignition. The current from the ignition coil charges the capacitor, and the capacitor discharges the current, transferring it along the spark wire to the spark plug. The cdi and the coil are not the same thing, and neither are the magneto and the coil, or the cdi and the magneto.
Actually, the coil the magnet turns beside is the "stator". This connects to the cdi which is then connected to the ignition coil. On china girls this is epoxy sealed in the black box along with the cdi. I run a home made cdi along with an ignition coil scrounged from an mx bike. See the jaguar cdi, its the same setup. Just to clarify
I've seen the lighting coils from wonderful creations on ebay, but dont know how much current they put out. They fit into the open end of the laminate core in the magneto. I dont know if they have an iron core or not. Personally, I'm thinking of mounting a YAF-54 alternator up high behind the seat tube & belt driving it off the 17 tooth sprocket of the SBP jackshaft. Cheers
Yes, there is a coil inside the cdi, but in the accepted terminology, a cdi is a cdi. the stator is commonly referred to as the coil, not the cdi. if you mount an alternator, you're going to need a voltage regulator. The lighting systems sold on ebay are either 6v or 12v.