These guys are basically right. The expansion chamber that Sick Bike Parts and Pirate Cycles sells seems to be proportioned well, although I suspect the lead in pipe will be smaller than ideal for maximum power. I have personally tried the less expensive expansion chambers you will find on Ebay, or from Gasbike.net; they work O.K., but just O.K. The proportions of those is not ideal, but it's simpler to make. I just finished making a custom expansion chamber. I purchased a used chamber on Ebay and cut it up in several pieces. Then I welded it up, so it fit the bike. When it comes to the exhaust of these engines, which depend highly on exhaust for scavenging, bigger is better. In some of the pictures, you can see some of my handiwork, which is O.K. Notice the gradual taper leading into the engine. This kind of work was done with very primitive tools. like a hack saw, hand grinder, a TIG or MIG welder and some scrap tubing.