enigne problems


New Member
I am having some serious issues with the engine. i notice that it starts up and idles but then it will not stay runing and i have trouble getting it started back up also after runnung the engine i noticed gas pooled up on top of the motor but theres no sign of any leaks and when i do get the engine running it runs very bogged down and very little power any ideas whats going on?
Is it a 2 smoke?
When you say gas is on top of the engine, do you mean on the very top or under the carb?

I'm gunna take a punt and say the prongs for the float in the carby needs a small adjust but soughta need abit more info..
Does seem a little ununsual that this would happen out of the blue bad bit of fuel maybe..
Anyway ur carb is the problem. I havent played with a cns carb so i dont really know exactly how they work however if it isnt.
Firstly just check ya primer button (if its got 1) hasn't come off and the pin has just dropped down the hole.
After that Take the carb off when doin it if it's ur 1st time some times taking pics can help.
Undo the top part where the cable goes in and slide it out make note of which way it comes out coz it's gotta go back in the same way.
After taking off the filter cover and removing the filter undo the 2 Phillips head screws and remove the bottom cup. Be careful there's a little pin that holds the prongs on and it can fall out. Pull out the donut from the bottom of the cup and clean the all parts of the carb with carby cleaner in a well ventilated area and wash ya hands when ya done.
If it was dirty in there personally I'd chuck it back together and refit it.
If it does the same thing those 2 little prongs need to be bent down a little bit.
Then it should be ok.
If u do find urself having to bend the prongs down don't go too hardcore or you'll end up starving the carby bowl.
From memory I think I only had to do mine about 1mm but in my case it was because the carby leaned abit to much forward on a part. Build.
AnywAys good luck don't forget to post any progress/success.
You probably have a small piece of dirt/crud in the needle valve that is keeping it open. The float, the white plastic thing in the bowl of the carburetor pushes up on the needle valve to shut off the flow of fuel when the bowl is full. If there's dirt in the seat where the needle valve goes it will allow fuel to continue to flow and cause a rich fuel to air mix as well as the conditions you describe. Do as Breno said; remove the bowl and clean it. Carefully inspect the needle and seat and wash things well with either carburetor cleaner or another solvent. Dry the parts and reassemble the float and bowl. Don't loose anything such as the pin that holds the float linkage in place.
If dirt is the culprit then you either have no fuel filter on the petcock or you're not using an in-line filter. The kit tanks are notorious for being shipped with rust and dirt inside. We always recommend cleaning the tank before the initial installation. If it shows signs of rust you can put a couple of handfuls of sand in the tank, shake it for a while, like a good martini, then rinse with hot water and dry it. BBs work well too as does pee gravel or bird shot (lead pellets), anything that will shake around inside and loosen rust scale. Good luck, let us know what you find.
He has the carb slide in backwards. Turn the slide to the other side of the carb. Push the little brass thing back in with a small knife. (c) It, faces the 3 or 9 o'clock if sitting on the bike.
He has the carb slide in backwards. Turn the slide to the other side of the carb. Push the little brass thing back in with a small knife. (c) It, faces the 3 or 9 o'clock if sitting on the bike.

How do yu know it's in the wrong way? If it's from the factory they would have had a hard time putting it together the wrong way also it wouldn't have just started doing it recently after at it has been working for him in the past. Unless he pulled it apart already but how would I know.