New Member
Hi all. I got a sd stinger 66cc engine kit . got everything hooked up. When i first installed i noticed i couldn't pedal the bike when pulling in the clutch lever, so i loosened the flower nut about 1/4 turn. Worked great, now i was able to pedal. Now let me skip ahead I just tried to take the bike out, i have the enige mounted on an old ladies style Huffy cruiser with the gas tank mounted on a rear luggage rack. I'm pedaling with the clutch lever pulled in, picked up good speed, and released cluitch lever. The results are the engine puttering i even noticed some gas/oil come out by the spark plug area. Then I pulled the clutch lever in a bit and twisted the throttle. This made the engine rev and sound like a running engine should sound (minus the forward motion from the torque of the engine), but upon releasing the clutch lever it went back to the struggleing puttering sound.I had choke on about an eighth of the way w/ carb primed and spark plug had gas on it when i pulled it out to inspect it. I disconected the kill switch wires and the white one, and capped them all. I put in a fuel filter, i tried switching the spark plug to a ngk b6hs, then back to the factory spark plug, both
gapped at .035 inches. I've beeen having a problem with alignment but flipped the rear sprocket with the teeth further away from the spokes, as well as took off one more chain link and that seemed to help along with the factory tensioner set-up . Im using a kinda cheap synthetic 2-stroke oil from Big Lots at a 16:1 ratio. Does anybody know what might be my problem here?

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