Hey I was seeing if anyone can help me out. my 80cc engine kit runs, but its not very fast, dies at idle, and sounds like its grinding. any suggestions???
Hey I was seeing if anyone can help me out. my 80cc engine kit runs, but its not very fast, dies at idle, and sounds like its grinding. any suggestions???
When you pull in the clutch handle all the way does it still Die?
If so try screwing in the Idol screw Until it revs UP a little then back out until your happy.
Grinding? Check the clutch cover, inside for ''grinding" marks.
Not very fast is a symptom of a new engine, break it in for a few hundred and it will slowly get faster.
Also ..It may be a new tight drive chain issue as well..It will give you a grinding Sound Or feel..This will get better as the cheap china Chain stretches...And Believe me its Going to stretch.