'ello from Israel


Am over 50 and the hills here in Northern Israel are getting just too steep for me. Am looking to motorise my mountain bike. The simplest way seems to be a petrol friction motor.

The question is: is it best to put it on the front or rear tyre?

And is there a company that delivers complete kits worldwide?

Roads are very steep here. Speed is not an issue, but 1:4 hill ascending ability is. Is even a 7/8" diameter drive roller friction motor up to it?
Welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of information on here and the people are very helpful.

it is most common to put it on the rear tire, because it is more convenient and you dont have to worry about a lot of weight on making steering awkward.

i would recommend this dealer: bicycle engine kit, bike engine, bicycle engine, bicycle motor
i believe he ships worldwide, but might not offer a warranty outside the United States.
if you do a google search for FRICTION DRIVE BICYCLE ENGINE KITS you should find a lot of sellers.

let me know how it goes.
Hi And Welcome. I Would Go With The Dax 4 Stroke Engine. The Dac/scooter Guy Shifter Kit May Be The Best For You. I Think Dax Has The Complete Setup. I Have Frictions Drives And Other Setups. Stay With A 4 Stroke Motor. Imho. Later And Happy Travels. Ron .cvlt1
Shalom memissouri.
lo yodaat aich laazor- ani gam ken "newbie". rak rotza lomar licha shalom, lirot im shachachti aich lidaber b'ivrit. Lamadti ktzat b'bet sefer...vlo zocheret klum, chutz mimilim kmo "zona"! Ktzat mifageret b'ivrit ub'bicycle mechanics, aval anashim acherim po yecholim laazor.
Lehitraot, (is that what you say? trying! lol)