Michigan Mike
New Member
OK ... I'm lowering my sights since last time I asked a similar question. Anybody know of an e-bike that would meet the following minimum requirements while carrying an old, fat, 200-pound rider?
Top speed of 10 mph
Range of 20 miles
Full recharge in 12 hours or less
Batteries last 2 years or 500 recharges
Cost no more than $400 with bike included or
no more than $300 for kit without bike
It really doesn't seem like too much to ask for ... or is it?
Top speed of 10 mph
Range of 20 miles
Full recharge in 12 hours or less
Batteries last 2 years or 500 recharges
Cost no more than $400 with bike included or
no more than $300 for kit without bike
It really doesn't seem like too much to ask for ... or is it?

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