
Michigan Mike

New Member
OK ... I'm lowering my sights since last time I asked a similar question. Anybody know of an e-bike that would meet the following minimum requirements while carrying an old, fat, 200-pound rider?

Top speed of 10 mph

Range of 20 miles

Full recharge in 12 hours or less

Batteries last 2 years or 500 recharges

Cost no more than $400 with bike included or
no more than $300 for kit without bike

It really doesn't seem like too much to ask for ... or is it? (?)
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build yourself a rhino drive lol... It goes over ten miles an hour.... can be built for under a hundred bucks... you can use the batteries of your choice. Lith on the bike or sla in a trailer.... Or build a pusher with the same motor setup.

You can also buy a 500 watt hub kit on ebey for less than three hundred, batteries not included. I personally don't like hub motors but most guys swear by them. Also the wallymart Izip for around three hundred isnt bad but I still prefer the DIY bike.
I've had the IZip for about a year. I have hills around here and about 5 miles is all I can get on a charge and that includes alot of pedaling. Six miles and I am "limping" home. I don't think you would get more than 10 on level ground with pedaling.
That's the batteries. Those sla batteries at 10ah are next to nothing. I now run the equivalent of 17ah sla at 36v with a 24v controller and a 600watt motor on a friction drive system. I do agree even with that the range is the factor. I understand that there is a second battery system with the izip that will double the range. The cost is way too much in my opinion. I would rather buy a thrift store 12inch bike and make a trailer from the wheels then convert the system to larger sla batteries or maybe go with lith if i could afford it.

The izip is also a little underpowered in my opinion but a lot of guys love it. None of my bikes have working gears or direct drive so I can't comment on the bike itself.

Ebikes just aren't the same as gas bikes more's the pity.