dont know if im doin this right

It is normal while you are installing them but when they are done right they will lay flat, end to end. Use a wide blade screwdriver or a similar tool to spread the plates so they do not overlap then tighten the bolts, alternating side to side as you go. Its not easy and it can be frustrating but for the perfect installation those plates should not overlap. Do not grind them to fit.
There is a lot of discussion here on installing the rear sprocket. I'll post a couple of links for you later. Gotta go eat breakfast right now.
Often it's just the rubber at fault, drawing in the bolts so although the metal plates may indeed match the sprocket - when it's together but not tightened the plates will be forced to overlap.

Use 2door's method... mebbe get yerself a lil wiggle room w/stv1jzgte's suggestion - but I'd chuck the bdanged thing and get a sprocket adapter ifn ya can ;)