DIY electric bike in the works


New Member
I didn't know if this should be in the DIY area or here. 50/50 chance so its here lol

This is something I started on out of sheer boredom and having a garage full of stuff.
Its the drive sprocket and motor off of a currie scooter mounted to a modified front fork of a bike. It mounts like a regular front fork but its going to get a lot of extra support. Just so i don't end up going face first into the pavement... even though it sounds like fun I'll have to pass...

Here are the pics, its all just tacked into place right now but it is lined up and ready for the full welding treatment, sweet.




Crappy pics and dirty workbench. Thats all you get to see for now haha

I actually did this same kind of build once, I used a scooter motor with a 25" chain. I put a sixteen inch rear wheel with a welded scooter sprocket on it. Then I hung a 600 watt currie scooter motor with the 25 sprocket on it. The thing did okay but the motor hanging on th side was a major problem for me in keeping the bike balanced. Plus I looked a lot like the circus bear who rides the bike. The sixteen inch wheel you know.

Welcome and good luck you in good company here
Deacon is right about positioning the motor (try with longer chain and put it above the wheel in center). But , what really interests me, is what the frame will look like. Would it be full suspension with plenty of room for the batteries and other stuff , in case you want to experiment with different drive setups ? Or , would it be chopper style or something else ( I love DIY)? Keep up and good luck and keep us informed with the progress you make..
Welcome MA-C. My first build was a FWD with the motor mounted on a rack over the wheel. It drove a 3-speed hub with a freewheel so I could pedal or coast without motor drag. It worked fine but I got nervous about a chain break or other malfunction causing a faceplant at speed so I went to a RWD design. Please be sure everything is welded or tightened securely and check it carefully before each ride. Mostly have fun, however - jd