dio reed porting results


New Member
just curious on what people have done to this particular setup and what results they achieved. (i.e. boost ports/exhaust shapes and dimensions etc)
nobody? That's a shame. well, I added a 10 or so mm boost port, widened the exhaust to about 30 and raised it a couple mm. The bike ran like a beast! i'm using a 22mm oko carb and expansion chamber exhaust.

It ran great for about 2 days until the shitty mounting system showed its weakness. Started having an issue idling when i noticed the block on the cylinder was loose. Wondering if there is a better way to keep this thing attached to the cylinder??
I don't have any experience running the Dio reeds, but I have plenty with the Arrow style reeds.
I can tell you that the Dio reed uses a black ATV silicone to stick (& seal) it to the cylinder along with a few small screws... Drill & tap for some larger screws & add more silicone & it should be ok.
Thanks for the response. It looked more like some 2 part epoxy tbh. I torched and chipped it off last night. Definately gonna try tapping and using bigger screws this time . Might try and make some sort of U bolt in between the fins to hold it in place better.
I have another long rod high hole piston engine with a fairly true crank that I think I'm gonna try adding case reed induction to and am considering using my arrow style reed block or Rse.