Determing engine size and make/model?


New Member
Sep 1, 2015
Las Vegas
Hello guys, I just joined this site for the sole purpose of getting some help determining what kind of engine size and model I have. Thanks in advance for any help.

So I bought a bike off craigslist for $200. It rides pretty well, and the engine has no problem that I've detected so far. The only issue is the muffler fell off and the previous owner made his own really crappy version of one. I'm not riding it to commute yet, as I want to tune it up and give it a good scrub down.

I asked him what cc's it was and what model the engine was, but he forgot which kit he bought! When I went over the bike this morning, I didn't see any serials or markings that I could use to determine the size/model with. Not sure if maybe i'm looking in the wrong place or what.

Anyway, thanks for any help and consideration you guys can give!

i will attached photos to this post.



Jun 29, 2013
Columbia, Missouri
Man that has to be loud! As for engine size doesn't seem like there is a good way to tell if it's a 49 or 66 unless you take the head off. 66cc has a 47mm piston.


New Member
Sep 1, 2015
Las Vegas
thanks for the reply YesImLDS. it is really loud! that's part of why i'm not commuting on it yet. Just ordered a new pipe for it cause the straight pipe that looks like garbage on it does just about nothing for noise reduction or odor reduction! :p

I'll probably venture to the inside of the motor here one day soon. I want to do a deep and thorough clean of it, tighten everything down and maybe replace some gaskets if need be.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
The cylinder studs look to be 8mm. That is a good indication it is what the sellers call and 80cc. However that is not accurate. It is not 80cc but actually about 15cc less which is about 66cc which is the standard displacement for most of the motorized bicycle engine kits available today.

As for the manufacturer, that will be impossible to tell. There are so many mom-and-pop exporters of the typical Chinese 2 stroke engine that you won't be able to determine the original maker. They are all very similiar so the manufacturer isn't important.

Check with any of the advertisers you see down the sides of this page. All will have replacement mufflers for that engine. Please get rid of that 'pipe' that's on there now. You won't make any friends with your neighbors or do the hobby any good running that straight pipe. The lack of back pressure will also not do the engine any favors.

If we can help with any other problems, let us know. We'll try try to offer any assistance you might need.
Good luck.



Feb 10, 2013
Southeastern GA

That exhaust. It's awful! I'm glad you're going to fix it right.

Also, change the spark plug and wire. Bailing wire shouldn't be holding it on. And I would replace the 4 head nuts (the acorn nuts on top) with shoulder nuts. The acorns have a tendency to fail.

Definitely a fixer, but I'd say you got a good deal if it runs well.


New Member
Sep 1, 2015
Las Vegas
thanks for the input guys. I figured I needed to replace the spark plug and it's connector as well. It didn't look happy. The muffler is essential to replace in my mind before I start doing anything daily with this bike. but when I rode it back from buying it, it ran well with no issues that I felt. Smooth ride, just too gosh dang loud.

I will place an order for a new plug, boot and wire.

Thanks again guys!


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio Texas
I agree you got a good deal and the bike looks good except for that pipe...
If you want it nice and quiet you can get a long pipe like this which will not only look better but put the noise behind you as well as the smell, smoke, and oily residue...
If you would like some better performance, you can use a long straight pipe like this but take the muffler off and weld or have a dirt bike cannister type muffler in its place, you can usually get a used dirt bike muffler off ebay for around $20 and they're just about the right size to slip over these pipes then they can be welded or brazed into place... this'll make for a nice quiet system that can still perform really well.

The typical stock exhaust works good for quieting things down but it can be fixed to perform better while still being nice and quiet as well by drilling extra holes in the end cap. I got one that's brand new and un modified if you're interested, I can just give it to you and you cover the shipping... pm if you want it. I make my own exhaust systems so when I buy a kit these just get set aside..


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Momence, IL
Dredging up old thread. Sorry.

I recently calcultated the displacement of some mystery motors without removing the head (cylinder). I used the depth gauge probe on my metric calipers to measure the stroke through the spark plug hole, and the bore size through the exhaust (or intake) port.

Removing a carb or muffler is necessary, (you might actually be able to measure through some carbs without removing), but I would hate tearing apart a motor that is running good and not leaking just to know the size.


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Momence, IL

I recently calcultated, but the doctor said it was just a normal part of growing old.
