Denver Area Ride V

unless miraculously come up with new bearings in time to teardown and rebuilld i wont be comeing...sounds like i have a turbo right now...already added more oil to the mix and went with a bigger jet and it still whines on decel...i dont want to seize it so its out of commission till i get bearings/gaskets/seals
Since I can't ride Saturday with ya'll, I'm going to do a long ride from northern Colorado springs, down santa fe trail, gold camp road to cripple creek and probably cripple creek to woodland park to rampart range road down to Mount Herman road and back down santa fe trail by my house. Probably 125 mile+ ride. I have one who will be joining me and others are welcome. Frank, please forgive me if you feel I hijacked your thread and if so, I'll delete it.

Have fun next Saturday. I'll be with you in spirit.

Makes no sense to me. Either way have fun, see you on a future cruise. :)

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unless miraculously come up with new bearings in time to teardown and rebuilld i wont be comeing...sounds like i have a turbo right now...already added more oil to the mix and went with a bigger jet and it still whines on decel...i dont want to seize it so its out of commission till i get bearings/gaskets/seals

That sucks, oh well. Anything I can do to help let me know. Let us know what come of it. (^)

The main bearings inside the crankcase are a universal fit. They are the same dimensions for both the 48cc and 66cc. If it is the lower or upper needle bearing then those are specific to the engine displacement.

If it is not one of the needle bearings, then I have a set of stock bearings that are in an old engine that you can have for free. Let me know whats up! :)
by the way the sound broadcasts i would venture to bet that it is the main bearings....duane has the upper im pretty sure ill call him today and find out... we just gotta figure out how to get the bearings into my hands...ill get a head/base gasket and stuff when i get my bearings...any other recommended seals...feel like a dumby right now i havent pulled the bottom end of one of these apart and i know their is always 1 or 2 seals that usually dont survive a teardown
by the way the sound broadcasts i would venture to bet that it is the main bearings....duane has the upper im pretty sure ill call him today and find out... we just gotta figure out how to get the bearings into my hands...ill get a head/base gasket and stuff when i get my bearings...any other recommended seals...feel like a dumby right now i havent pulled the bottom end of one of these apart and i know their is always 1 or 2 seals that usually dont survive a teardown

All I can think of is probably an inner engine seal, and some backup piston rings if your taking the top apart
im getting the crank seals main bearings base gasket head gasket and replacing the upper needle bearing while in their...might as well...just got off the phone with duane and ill be picking it up tomorrow morning hopefully
both main chambers have been sanded and polished out....gotta work on the transfer ports tonight...ill find out today if i can take fri off so i can finish the motor up
Hey guys, tomorrow is 'Summerfest' at Clements Park, South Bowels and Pierce St.
Last year Duane and I met up there, pushed out bikes through the rows of cars that were showing and had a good day answering questions about our bikes.
I'll be there, you're all invited. I'm not showing the car, just riding a bike up to walk around, maybe have a beer at Hops Resturatnt later. It's an all day event so no special time to be there. I'll probably ride up there around noon or so. Only five miles from me.
I think it will be the following:

George, Van, Dave, Will, Frank, and possibly Duane. Tom, Ted, and Drewd are sitting this one out
How was the ride, where did you guys ride to?

Wish I could have been there but my ride on Sunday was pretty good except from grouchy spandexer calling the police on me and my brother-in-law who road with me. The police met up with us several miles down the trail where it crosses a major road and pulled us over. The cop was very cool and called the cyclist a hypocrite because most cyclists never follow road rules (stopping at red lights etc...) but are the first to call the police when someone "infringes" on their bike trails. I told the police officer that our bikes were not classified as motor vehicles which are prohibited on the Santa Fe trail and were simply bicycles with motors on them....he disagreed a little said they were considered "scooters' but didn't say we couldn't be on the trail. Before he let us go, he wanted to know where he could buy one ;-)

We resumed back onto the Santa Fe trail and had a pretty good ride. I should organize a ride for all of you to come down one day so we can really introduce the spandexers to our hobby. We were respectful of other riders and pedestrians the entire ride (shutting off engine and pedalling past eveyone, we pedalled quite a bit) and the only danger we encountered is from spandexers who were going too fast around blind trail curves who almost ran into us!
StreetStrip, Kenny, and I met up at the car show. Walked our bikes through and had lots of people stop us and ask questions about them. At one point two Jefferson County Sheriffs passed us on their mountain bikes. They were riding, we were pushing our bikes.
One of them asked why we weren't riding. (the car show officials ask people to not ride bikes between the rows of show cars). Guess when you're a cop you can do things others can't. :) Anyway, the rains shut things down early but the morning was beautiful.