Dan of iRide Customs

iRide Customs

New Member
I suppose I should have introduced myself a while ago. I just got too excited about this new site and completely forgot.

Some of you already know me but for those who don't, here it goes....

My name is Dan and I am a bikeaholic in a BIG way. I have this silly little hobby of building custom choppers, cruisers and whatever else I can that has to do with bicycles. I call it iRide Customs. iRide, therefore I am...at least that's my philosophy. Here's a link to some of my work. There are SEVERAL pages to thumb through if you have the time.

iRide_616/All the bikes - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I have been riding, racing and cruising bikes for about 33 years now and have been building for about 3 or 4. I recently decided to go motorized and haven't been able to wipe the grin off of my face since.

When I am not building a custom bike part or firing up Brutus, I am blasting down the black diamond freeride trails on my Transition or tearing up the streets on my Specialized P2 all over Oregon. Dirt is my first love and will always be in my blood.

The Preston FR
dan glad to have yo with us. your masterpieces are an insperation to us all and look forward to learning all i can from you!
Welcome to this forum.
Your work blows me away. My stuff looks second class to what you do you uped the bar to far for me. You ride customs I ride resurrected dedumpsterited dumpster divesrotfl Rust rules(?)