? Crusier Pie ?


Well-Known Member
K. Initialy I wanted to build a dual drive mountan bike but I've been thinking bout all the cool cruisers and such that arnt amenable to ICE power but could be powered by Pie :) ( Yes. I said that ) trouble is the Pie is made for 135mm hub spaceing and most cruisers have the spaceing for the CB 110 coaster brake hub. SO. My question is: How do you shoehorn a Pie into a cruiser?
You could always do dual drive cruiser with pie in front.

I already went through this stuff when I found out that dutchies don't go 135mm either.

Yeah, sucks.

The Giant Via W still interests me though.

You do know my current project is a single speed mountain bike, yes?

There's another option.
Velo you can spread the stays super easy..put one of those compact car scissors jacks between them and spread the stays by opening the jack it puts pretty equal pressure on both sides and opens them up pretty evenly.
Yep, what chainmaker said. My bike had the smaller spacing and I spread the frame quite easily to accommodate the new 135MM wheel.
Hummm.... I shall ponder... What are the chances of snapping the chain stays from the stress of the bending process?
And then you have to bend the brackets back to parallel.

The integrity of the axel bracket is paramount with a pie. All the torque of the motor is applied right to the bracket slot. At a very small radius, so a large amount of force.
duel drive seems like overkill but i can see its use on a mountain bike.bmc sells a duel drive kit.on the high $ side(i wish my pockets were so deep).I just got a tour de france prologue im goint to electrify soon.going to try and keep it light.
Yes.. Dual drive for a mountan bike makes perfect sence; not so much for a cruiser. Front drive I've seen done quite a bit annd I like what I've seen. MIKE are you talking bout alignment of the rear dropouts?

The dropouts need to be solid. Slot tight on the axle, parallel and welds sound.

They are taking the entire torque of the motor which is trying to spread the slot apart and rip them out of the stays.
:eek: UmmKay... Forewarn'd is forearm'd. Check out my !! Truck PIE !! thread Im virtually certan its a Worksman and being it needs a total cosmetic rebuild; soon would be a good time to reinforce or replace / extend the dropouts with something even more heavy duity.