...No-one likes an 'I told you so' but seriously, the easy way round your problem is to stick with no wider than a 120 wide tyre. Can't you get one of those from your friendly tyre guy? ...
The logical part of my brain thought about doing that but the stubborn part (much larger part of my brain) liked the current look too much lol and wanted to press on. I'm actually pretty close to having it done though - other than brakes and the fun, aesthetic stuff. Here's what I've done to move the chain line out to accommodate the too wide motorcycle tire.
I got this adaptor which, although a simple machined part, was somewhat hard to find. I bought it thinking even if I did end up going a different route, who doesn't need a freewheel space adapter on standby for future builds?

<---- it's just stacked on top of a cheap 18T freewheel in the pic, eventually gonna go larger to make the gear ratio more friendly
With that + chain installed and some new (new to me at least, 80s

motorcycle!) bars, I took it for a spin and it was rideable. Did about a mile to pick up a coffee and it felt totally ridiculous to pedal on the main street of the neighborhood with moderate traffic in the left lane and I loved every second of it. Plenty of confused and amused looks
The bad: Still just a little, intermittent chain rub on turns and if I pedal like I mean it...
The good: Bike can actually be pedaled and does ride, barely lol
Now for the ugly, beautiful fix: I'm going to use an old Schwinn Varsity Derailleur like so below except with enough added links to have the chain go through it and not just over.
Bridging the Schwinn eras in style! And this way, it will hopefully bring the chain out and guide it the extra 1 or 2 mm I need. I already added about 12mm with the adaptor so I think by having this diy tension guide in the middle, the chain can...
A) hopefully handle the radical chainline changes
B) not rub the tire at all and
C) also not fall off every 1/4 mile
We'll see, don't be surprised if I go with the easy free tire fix in a month or two though.