crank sticking?


New Member
Bike locked up on me. Jug and piston scored bad. Replaced them. Still locking up trying to start. Removed top end again and while holding the connecting rod while walking the bike it locks up. It dosent lock up at a givin point. Sometimes it will revolve may times, others right away and will lock up anywhere thruout the rotation. Sometime at the top, sometimes bottom and anywhere inbetween. Anyone have an idea of what is failing before i split the case? Or would i be better off buying a new engine? Already spent $95 on parts and a lot of headache when i could have already slapped on a new motor for that amount:-||
Something is in the crankcase, there is very little room in most between the crankshaft and the case. It could be metal debris or a ball bearing from one of the mains. I would put a towel over a large bucket then wash out the engine with fuel mix and pour it out on the towel to find what's in it.
Bike locked up on me. Jug and piston scored bad. Replaced them. Still locking up trying to start. Removed top end again and while holding the connecting rod while walking the bike it locks up. It dosent lock up at a givin point. Sometimes it will revolve may times, others right away and will lock up anywhere thruout the rotation. Sometime at the top, sometimes bottom and anywhere inbetween. Anyone have an idea of what is failing before i split the case? Or would i be better off buying a new engine? Already spent $95 on parts and a lot of headache when i could have already slapped on a new motor for that amount:-||
You were getting answers to your problem in that other thread you tagged on.
Why are you starting a new thread?
Go read what we said.
Yeah, you shoulda bought a new motor.