Crank arm tool
May 24, 2019
New 2 making comments online but I have to get this off my chest . This is my first time complaining about something I ordered online. I am very disappointed in I ordered the knight racer 4stroke bicycle kit. Believe it or not this is a huge purchase for me it’s a luxury & it took me a long time to save $400. So it says you’ll get your motor and about one or two days later you’ll get the bike. OK I get the motor about a week and a half after I purchased it which is cool. then a week after that goes by & no bicycle, I email, I call, no one answers the phone nobody calls you back nobody answered your emails. Two weeks go by still no bicycle I called I called I called I emailed I emailed I emailed no response I just want to find out where is my bicycle they don’t give you a second tracking number even though it’s two different packages there’s no way to find out what’s up if somebody delivered it and it was stolen from my yard there’s no way to check!!! Finally I start going through the package the motor came in because I’m just gonna go buy the same bicycle at Walmart which is a hyper cruiser and start putting the motor on that bike so I go through the package and the gas tank is Dented there’s no number 14 tool which is a belt tension adjuster so I email and I call and I email and I called no answer on the phone no answer to my emails. At this point I look up the return policy which says you only have seven days after your first package arrives which is the motor but I don’t even get my second package to know if I want to refund until three weeks later so the seven day policy doesn’t apply to me because I didn’t even know I wanted to return it because I didn’t get the second half of my order so I keep calling keep emailing that I want a A return shipping label And I want them to keep the bike That I haven’t gotten yet I just want my money back at this point I can see the future it’s not gonna end well “for me” ... No label no response of course the return policy date is Over but I still haven’t got my second package which is The bicycle. phone calls after phone calls no answers. no answers to my emails finally I get the bike about three weeks later and there’s grease all over the inside of the box & all over the bike I guess it was from the handlebar tube?? The back fender is dented at the end and the paint is off so it’s going to rust right away the back fender closer To the middle is also dented. So what do I do ??? the instructions are totally the worst instructions ever in the manual it shows you no pictures no instructions on what bolts go where what nuts go where what washers go with what ... the Coaster brake bar that you’re supposed to remove to add the sprocket took two guys to get it off the bike for me . They send me a wide crank set because of the motor but they don’t send me the rod or the crank removal tool to take it off the bike they don’t tell you you need that tool before hand but they sell the whole crank kit but just not the rod I didn’t get it ?? I would’ve gladly paid an extra 10 bucks to have the tool , 20 bucks whatever to have the rod to the crank arm conversion kit-they knew exactly what Bike was coming with the knight racer why not send me everything I need to put it together ????? I am so disappointed I was so excited to actually be able to get around on my own not asking for rides not taking the bus and here it sits in my bedroom because I don’t have the right tools or parts and still no answer from my emails from all my phone calls I just want my money back and I don’t know what to do thanks for whoever reads this
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May 24, 2019
does anyone Have advice on taking you off the crank to my hyper cruiser bicycle that I got from without the tool because I need to put on the water crank for the motor thank you

Talk to text sure is funny I apologize ... Correcting the words taking off the crank arms to my 26 inch men’s hyper cruiser because I need to put on the wider crank arms because of the motor that was sent from the company but I don’t have the tool thank you
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a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
There's YouTube videos that will show you how. Or, take it to a bike shop. If they're cool, they'll do it for free. With the tool, it's a 30 second process.

Don't panic. It's pretty obvious from your post that you don't know much about bikes, and less about engines. This site has a lot of information (even though it's a bit tricky to find it sometimes.)

Google search your problems. Get your hands dirty. Don't worry about the dents and scratches. It's a bike, that happens.

I'm a bike assembler for major stores and see banged up new bikes all the time. It's almost always due to getting thrown around by the shippers. It gets loaded from truck, to boat, to dock, to warehouse, to truck, to store, etc, and no one cares about it except the purchaser.

Ask for help for your specific problems. Someone has been in your exact situation before. And survived.

Realize that none of these kits are a simple, bolt on and go process. Don't expect to open the box and be ready to ride the next day. Have some patience, use your brain, and know when to take a break and walk away.

Learn from your mistakes. Buy real tools. You'll need them again, so think of it as an investment.

And, this "hobby" isn't for everyone. Some people will never be able to build their own bike, or fix it when it breaks down.

That's all stuff you need to deal with. Dealing with your supplier is another story, and I have no advice on that topic, except "buyer beware."
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