

New Member
What do they do and are they necessary? I've got an idea for building a chain drive Ebike, and was wondering what the controller actually does and if there's any alternatives to using one?
They're used to control the speed of the motor by controlling the voltage getting to it. Without one the motor will be either off or all the way on, no in between.
So, then what's the point of a throttle? What I mean is, the throttle controls the amount of juice, acting as a rheostat, so if you have that, do you need a controller?
You basically control the controller with the throttle. You're not gonna want to run the current to the motor through a throttle rheostat.
I smoked my controller so I ditched the throttle and put in a two way switch. I now have a half power and a full power setting... and off of course that seems to be enough though I haven't have much chance to test it. I know that both settings work I just haven't gotten to do a real world test yet.
Speed controller is the best way to go, TNC Scooters sell cheap scooter controllers and accelerator throttles that are ideal for e-bike use.

Thanks for the link. I was about to ask where to buy a controller for one of our scooters.

I built the Schwinn / Honda for longer trips, but we have two scooters on the back of the motor home for around camp grounds.

The third one we have is a three wheel scooter that must be 10 years old. A friend gave it to me after I repaired the controller. He had bought a new 24 volt batery and hooked it up backwards. Zap the controller (the new ones must have reverse hookup protection?). Anyway this one has discrete compoents and I replaced two of the four control Triacts that he had blown. He rode it around a mile and it went out again, so think it is time to buy a new one?

The scooter is interesting because the platform where you stand or put your feet when you set is a solor panel covered wt. a plastic panel. That would be great for an electric bike out where you didn't have much electricity? Charge during the day when setting or even when you are riding it?

Nice for people who winter in the desert here on BLM land around Quartsite, AZ. Many use solor to charge their motor home battery bank.

Just thought I would through out the idea for any who live where they could use the Sun rather than the mains.

BTW, scooters are outlawed (electric or gas) in Glendale, AZ, but so far electric or gas bikes are OK. Just follow the under 50cc and 20 mph max. federal law.

there was another something that they banned but I don't remember what it was....but I remember it made me mad.